Tracking podcasts

There’s an interesting story in Media Post about’s new technology for tracking podcasts (you may have to register to read it). Audible was distributing podcasts long before there was an iPod and if anyone will figure out a way to monetize this new craze, Audible will. I expect technology and money to move very quickly into making podcasting a commercial medium. The rap on podcasting has been that you couldn’t sell advertising on it because you couldn’t track what people did with any given MP3 file. Well, companies like Audible are solving that. I expect there’ll be an explosion of well produced commercial podcast products once these tracking issues are resolved.

0 thoughts on “Tracking podcasts

  1. Paul,
    Have you heard anything from Audible on this lately? I noted that its Q&A sounds like it hasn’t been updated since Nov. Do you know anything about how the model is working?

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