Wal-Mart Talks Back

Wal-Mart has created a website to counter criticism that its employee benefits are below par. It’s nicely done. There’s a blog, too, but that’s evidently an after-the-fact idea, since the most recent post is Nov. 23. That’s a cardinal sin in blogging. You don’t let your site lie fallow. It makes it look like you don’t care, have nothing to say or aren’t really committed to the topic you blog about.

0 thoughts on “Wal-Mart Talks Back

  1. Bonus points for the use of fallow. Have any tips on how to keep a blog current if there’s nothing out there happening on your blog’s topic? Or is that what people pay you big bucks for?

  2. If there’s nothing happening on your topic for long periods of time, you either need a new topic or a topic that’s evergreen enough that you can constantly explore new options!

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