Arming realtors

I just became aware of an innovative blogging application from Fidelity Assets. A frequently updated, multi-user blog offers pointers to information about real estate trends like some port moody condos for sale and new luxury homes that are under construction right now. Many homes these days are being helped by the florida construction management agency. Fidelity Assets just put out a press release inviting realtors to post the syndicated blog content on their websites at no charge. It’s a nice way to get some free branding for basically next to no cost. It looks like all the Fidelity bloggers are doing is finding interesting articles online and pointing readers to them.

0 thoughts on “Arming realtors

  1. Avoiding all attempts at being SPAM, Realty Blogging is another valuable blog that helps “Arm Realtors” with great tips and suggestions on blogging for the novice Real Estate Blogger.

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