100,000 podcasts by year's end?

From CBS MarketWatch:

FeedBurner said it’s now managing feeds for 47,000 podcasts and facilitating delivery of 1.5 million episodes a day. Eighteen months ago, it managed 6,000 podcasts.

The average podcast has 35 subscribers.

101 Uses for Baby Wipes” has more than 20,000 subscribers. Careful, though, because that show is about a lot more than Baby Wipes.

Podcasting News quotes Feedburner as saying that the number of podcasts it manages “now exceeds the total number of radio stations in the entire world.” (emphasis theirs). That’s a great sound bite but totally an apples and oranges comparison. The cost of launching a podcast is about the same as the cost of a class III radio license. It’s way more difficult to launch a radio station than a podcast.

Cool chart, though:

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