Retiring bloggers

Debbie Weil writes in BlogWrite for CEOs about the decision by noted bloggers Dave Winer and David Allen to retire from blogging. I guess you could take this as a warning bell that the influence of blogs is declining but I prefer to think of it as more of a “mission accomplished” thing. Blogging is a lot of work. Steve Rubel recently told me that he spends about 20 hours a week on his blog, an ungodly commitment for a busy executive. Winer is broadly credited with having kicked off the blogging craze almost 10 years ago. His activity level is astonishing and I can see where he may have just decided that it was time to move on. David Allen, well, he doesn’t need the work. Good luck to them both.

Speaking of Steve Rubel, reports that he is leaving Edelman to join forces with foe Jeremy Pepper are all over the blogosphere. But be sure to check out the date on these posts, folks. 😉

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