Kumbaya at Gnomedex

This is my first Gnomedex but certainly not my last. I haven’t been to a conference in years that was this relaxed, upbeat and even festive. It’s the most interactive event I’ve ever attended. The audience actively participates – even shouting out comments at times – and the speakers encourage feedback and conversation. It’s very Web 2.0.

It reminds me of the early days of the PC industry, circa mid-80s, when conferences like PC Forum had a kind of we’re-all-in-this-together camaraderie to them. That all changed with arrival of market growth, venture capital, profitability and winners and losers. That may well happen to social media, but let’s hope money doesn’t spoil all the fun. At this point, there’s a spirit of mutual support and shared purpose that hasn’t existed in the computer or Internet business for a very long time.

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