Daily reading 11/13/2007

Blogging and Blogger relations at SAP

Last week at BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas I met up with Mike Prosceno, VP of Marketplace Communications at SAP. SAP has an unusually progressive approach to working with the blogosphere. Not only does the company use blogs for internal and external communications, but it has embraced bloggers as important influencers, treating them in much the same way it treats mainstream media. Listen to an illuminating 11-minute interview with the guy who heads up SAP’s blogger relations program.

Virtual events’ success grows – BtoB Magazine, Oct. 8, 2007

A study by one event organizer “examined more than 200 Unisfair virtual events that totaled nearly 3,000 sponsors and 500,000 attendees. The results found that the average virtual event has a registration of 3,102 people with an attendance of 1,587. Leads generated for each sponsor totaled 348 per event, and attendees spent an average of two-and-a-half hours at each event while visiting an average 16 locations and completing at leastfive downloads.”

“Advanced Micro Devices…held a virtual event last year…the success rate for AMD’s event well exceeded expectations: ‘When you look at the physical trade show, we’llmaybe give away 700 to 800 pieces of collateral. At a virtual event wecan get 500,000 downloads,’ [an AMD executive said].”

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