Daily reading 11/29/2007

Survey: 60% of Consumers Use Word of Mouth – Brand Week, Nov. 26, 2007 Annotated

  • “The study reports that consumers who create buzz are
    more prone to listen to advertising messages across various media, try
    new products and remain loyal to brands they like, compared to others.”
    – post by pgillin

Ted Leonsis: ‘It’s the Greatest Time to Be an Entrepreneur’ – Knowledge@Wharton

  • I’m not a big fan of AOL, but I really like Ted Leonsis. I first met him in 1983, when he was running Redgate Communications, and I’ve watched him make a billion dollars and build an online empire. Ted joined my team for the Computer Bowl about a decade ago, sharing the joy of getting our butts kicked by the west coast team. He doesn’t have a big ego, but he does have the entrepreneur’s ability to simply and clarify issues. Here’s a description of a recent speech he gave at Wharton.
    – post by pgillin

0 thoughts on “Daily reading 11/29/2007

  1. Nice comments and article about Ted Leonsis. I first met him back in the 1980/81 timeframe at Wang Labs where he was in corporate communications. I remember him as being very focused, always going the extra mile, and one heck of a hard worker. He’s certainly earned his success!

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