I'm Going Viral: 250 Free Galleys of My Next Book Available

In the spirit of viral marketing, and with my publisher’s enthusiastic consent, I’m giving away 250 copies of my new book, Secrets Of Social Media Marketing, to anyone who fills out this form on my website. I’m betting that if people start talking about the book before it reaches the shelves, it will be good for sales.

I’d like to take credit for the idea, but it was actually proposed me by my friend and colleague David Meerman Scott, who co-authored Tuned In, a business book that has been number one on Amazon several times in the last few weeks. Scott’s New Rules of Marketing and PR was the number one marketing book of 2007 on Amazon, so if it’s good enough for him..

0 thoughts on “I'm Going Viral: 250 Free Galleys of My Next Book Available

  1. Looking forward to seeing the galley Paul. It’s a great book. Good luck with it.

  2. Boo hiss… another “offer” that assumes that those of us outside the USA live in some kind of ghetto.

    Hello? Earth to Dilbert? We have printers here in the UK.. We even have print-on-demand services…

  3. You’re absolutely right. Understand that the cost of shipping outside the US can be five times what it is domestically. We’re trying to work up a PDF offer for international readers.

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