Egads! I’ve been Strumpetted!

The folks at the snarky PR blog Strumpette apparently took issue with my column on Bulldog Reporter this week in which I listed the Five Stupid Reasons to Avoid Social Media. They dressed me up in scarecrow clothes and exposed me for the straw man that I am. I think I’ll make this my next Halloween costume. Just don’t light a match.

You can read their review yourself and see if it makes any sense to you. A free, signed copy of The New Influencers goes to the best interpretation of what the author is trying to say.

As far as I can tell, they believe my piece is opinion masquerading as fact. They’re right that it’s opinion. It doesn’t pretend to be anything else. I also think they were offended by the headline, which is understandable. The title was meant to attract attention, and it appears to been successful in that capacity, at least with the folks at Strumpette.

I’m not put out because Strumpette is number 8,062 on Technorati while I’m a lowly 23,128. I actually like the site and think it does a good job of poking a stick in the eye of the Web 2.0 zealots. But character assassination isn’t a great way to make your point. Clear, well-organized writing is, and that is woefully absent in this garbled mess of a critique. I’m more than willing to debate, but I have to first understand what my opponent is trying to say.