Blogger survey is live

If you blog or podcast, please take the survey I just posted. I plan to use the information as a chapter in my book, The New Influencers. Thanks to everyone who contributed advice on the questions and please tell your friends and colleagues to come take the survey, too!

And thanks to the folks at WebSurveyor for giving me a free trial on this project. The survey tool is very rich and very easy to use. And the reporting interface is fantastic.

Thanks, also, to Dana McCurley for her advice and expertise in editing and posting the survey.

0 thoughts on “Blogger survey is live

  1. I found it pretty easy to use. Good luck with it. Happy to contribute, if needed.

  2. I was happily clicking along in the survey until I reached the binary male/female question. It’s a common mistake/bias, but it’s one that caused me to abandon the survey. I thought about skipping that question and seeing if the survey went through anyway, but decided to just stop, the same as if you’d asked race but only given “black” and “white” as the options, even if I fit pretty neatly into one of those categories. An “other” option would have been enough to keep me going. Too bad, it was an interesting survey.

    Better luck next time!

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