Excited to be going to Nantucket Conference

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to speak at Nantucket Conference, a highly regarded – and very intimate – annual event for top technology executives in New England. I’ll be on an afternoon panel next Thursday, May 3, talking about how social media is changing the practice of marketing. Then I plan to hang out and just listen to the wisdom of some of the smartest tech entrepreneurs in the country.

This is a special conference because the size of the audience is limited and the population of lawyers, accountants and consultants is kept to a minimum. It’s basically an event for business owners, investors and technology wizards. It takes place this year during a mini-boom in venture capital investing. Good timing and always a great program.

BTW, I think they’re accepting applications to attend for a couple of more days. You have to request and invitation on the website.

David Weinberger's comments provoke thought and debate

David Weinberger gave a great talk to the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council’s Social Media Cluster today. David has great insight about the dynamics of social media. In his role as a scholar, he is free from having to worry about the commercial implications of these phenomena and to focus on the social dynamics they create. His views echo mine in many ways: human beings have lived for a million years in an environment in which information was scarce. Now we’re moving into an age of information abundance, and this will challenge our institutions fundamentally.

Many people, including David, refer to Wikipedia.org as an example of how much things have changed. Encyclopaedia Britannica used to market itself as the comprehensive source of human knowledge. Wikipedia makes no such claims, yet it is far more comprehensive and scalable than anything Britannica ever imagined. Yes, Wikipedia has its faults, but it is at least honest about its shortcomings, and this paradoxically makes it more credible. Ironically, the historical tendency of media and publishing institutions to build an aura of invulnerability around themselves has actually made them less accessible to the audiences. That makes their mistakes all the more glaring. Put another way, the degree to which you define yourself as infallible creates a disproportionately negative backlash when your fallibility is revealed.

This hasn’t ramifications for the future of our information institutions. In the past, people and institutions could define themselves as experts because no one could conveniently challenge their expertise. But we’re moving into a world in which expertise is constantly challenged. In fact, experts can maintain their status only by consistently discussing and defending their expertise. They can no longer claim to be the oracle of information on any topic because other people can access information on that same topic so easily. This means that the role of the expert evolves into more of in an aggregator, pulling together different opinions from different souces and drawing conclusions from them.

This is a dramatically different definition of expertise, and it will be uncomfortable for many people in business, politics and academia. But I agree with David that this is the way the world is going. In an atmosphere in which information is freely available to everyone, the expert can no longer claim to be the final word on anything. He or she must admit to fallibility and derive influence from the ability to assimilate many facts and arrive at the most informed conclusion

My column in Ad Age

Advertising Age published my opinion piece this week talking about the similarities between public relations campaigns of the past and blogger-based marketing campaigns of today.

The techniques you use to influence the influencers really haven’t changed all that much from the tactics that worked with mainstream media. It’s just that the audience has different motivations. Once you understand how to influence these people, you can build a groundswell of favorable opinion that is impossible for the mainstream media to ignore. See examples.

Social Media’s Breakout Year

This article originally appeared in BtoB magazine.

Marketing changed forever the night of February 4, 2007. That was the night that Super Bowl XLI, the most-watched advertising event of the year, featured no fewer than four ads created by ordinary consumers.

Frito-Lay’s 30-second Doritos spot drew the most attention. Produced in just four days at a cost of fewer than $13, it scored second in comScore Networks’ ratings of ads viewers said they’d like to see again. That spot, along with campaigns from Alka-Seltzer, Chevrolet and the NFL itself almost overnight put consumer-generated advertising on the map.

Social media has had a breakout year. While most of the innovation is still in the consumer marketing sector, b2b marketers are joining the party. Businesses that cautiously circle the blogosphere over the last couple of years jumped in with both feet last year. Corporate blogs targeting business customers now include Kodak, Marriott, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Accenture, Southwest Airlines, Extended Stay Hotels and Wells Fargo.

Podcasts, those digital radio programs that almost no one had heard of two years ago, are now mainstream, with more than 90,000 programs listed on search engine PodNova. In the technology market, which has led the way in social media adoption, podcasts have become a standard companion to the more mature web cast. The convenience of the portable offline medium appeals to busy decision makers.

As an advertising medium, podcasting still hasn’t found its footing. EMarketer forecasts that podcasts will be a $400 million advertising market by 2011. That’s dramatic growth over current levels, but still a drop in the bucket compared to the more than $60 billion that Jefferies & Co. estimates businesses will spend on online advertising in 2010.

The real action in b2b podcasting is in programs produced by businesses to connect with their customers. Companies like American Airlines, Deloitte & Touche, Chrysler, General Electric and General Mills have launched programs about everything from business travel to nutrition. Needless to say, podcasts are ubiquitous in the publishing market. Directory Podcast Alley lists more than 1,500 podcast programs about business.

But it was video that hogged the spotlight in 2006. The phenomenal popularity of video download sites like YouTube (which logs 65,000 new videos each day), Google Video and Revver, combined with controversy over copyright issues, have made video the social media poster child.

Online video appeals to marketers on several levels. It allows them to inexpensively test ideas and to repurpose clips that would otherwise end up on the cutting room floor. Online video also offers a low-cost alternative to television, typically the costliest line item in the marketer’s budget. Plummeting equipment prices and open-source software have made it possible for amateurs to produce reasonably good quality programs at very low cost. Video is also a particularly effective medium for viral marketing, the brand of promotion in which people link to and share popular content with each other.

There have been some notable business-to-business viral video successes. Blendtec, a Utah-based maker of blenders for home and commercial use, scored a mega-hit with “Will It Blend?,” a series of Letterman-esque shorts in which Blendtec founder Tom Dickson pulverizes everything from golf balls to computer components using the company’s products. The clip showing an iPod being turned to dust has logged more than 3.5 million downloads on YouTube alone.

Eastman Kodak scored a smaller hit with “Winds of Change,” a humorous, self-deprecating video that was reportedly never meant to be seen outside the company. YouTube watchers overwhelmingly praised Kodak for acknowledging its past mistakes and vowing to be a leader in digital imaging.

Video and other viral marketing techniques have their downside, though. While word-of-mouth marketing can spread positive buzz with astonishing speed, buzz can work both ways.

Unilever N.V. experienced both extremes last year. It’s “Dove evolution” video, showing a young woman’s transformation into a billboard beauty, scored millions of downloads and positive comments. Yet a video invitation to customers to create videos for a Dove advertising campaign was so poorly received that the company shut down comments on YouTube.

All this activity rolls up into the bigger phenomenon of viral marketing, which is gaining traction in the b2b world. Grand Central Communications spread the word about its new product—a service that consolidates people’s phone numbers—by seeding the blogosphere with free accounts. Bloggers’ mostly rave reviews were noted by mainstream media, which gushed about the service.

Nokia Corp. is in its eighth iteration of a similar campaign in which high-end cell phones are distributed to influential bloggers whose commentary, both positive and negative, is posted on a company Web site.

Both companies are counseled by Comunicano, a marketing boutique that specializes in blogger relations.

Andy Abramson, who runs Comunicano, describes the strategy as “a story that pops in the media because of all the heat generated below. By the time the media bites, the story is already baked,” he said. “Once you have a fully-baked brand, it’s almost impossible to compete with.”

Jupiter Research reported in March that 48% of brand marketers plan to use social marketing tactics in the next year, a 10% increase over the previous year. However, an earlier Jupiter study also reported that seven in 10 consumers don’t trust product information they find on social media. The emergence of new services like PayPerPost, which pays bloggers to write about products, has stoked the controversy.

It’s hard to believe that the concept of social media marketing barely even existed two years ago. For now, the trend has all the characteristics of a craze, and no one knows whether it will go mainstream or crash and burn. It’s clear, though, that plenty of businesses will try their hands in the coming year.

– See more at: https://www.btobonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070423/FREE/70423014/0/SEARCH#sthash.Kjy58T5b.dpuf

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Tech PR War Stories 5 is all about product reviews

…As in how to get them done right and how to avoid driving editors crazy in the process. In show #5, we’re joined by Keith Shaw, product testing editor at Network World and author of the popular Cool Tools column. Keith and David have been in the product testing business a long time, and they share some of the best and worst of dealing with the PR community in this endeavor. Join us to hear how a product can make Keith’s coveted Cool Tools list and also what are some of the most irritating things companies do in pursuit of a review.

In Cheers and Jeers, Paul praises the new social media press release while David bemoans the aggravation of the never-ending cycle of returned phone calls.

Why most tech conferences suck

For a glimpse at what’s wrong with most technology conferences – and why IT managers don’t attend them – you have only to listen to this podcast of a session called The Future of Search from the Supernova 2006 conference.

I don’t mean to pick on this session or this event. I have great respect for Chris Shipley and several of the panelists. It just happens to be one good example of a sin I’ve seen committed repeatedly at scores of conferences over the years.

Here you’ve got a great topic and people who are well-qualified to discuss it. But they ruin the opportunity BECAUSE THEY CAN’T STOP SELLING. In one five-minute segment I chose at random, I counted 26 references to “we,” “our,” the product name or an insult aimed at a competitor. In fact, Technorati’s David Sifry was the only panelist who talked about the future of search outside of the context of his or her product.

It’s ridiculous. Presented with the opportunity to discuss a weighty, important issue and to look smart, informed and visionary in front of an influential group, the panelists do little more that deliver advertisements. They look foolish.

Perhaps this plays well to the audience of investors and journalists who hang out at this type of event, but it’s an example of the reason you never see CIOs in the audience. They know that a panel stocked with vendors is going to be one long sales pitch, and they have entirely too much of that in their lives already.

Marketers, please don’t do this. Don’t force your executives to be “on message” all the time. Give them a chance to show what they know and to enlighten their audience. Let them admit that their competitors have good ideas and build on those ideas. Let the audience trust them. There’s nothing that undermines a speaker’s credibility faster than engaging in the kind of embarrassing behavior that you see in this all-too-typical session.

A distant mirror

Media Post‘s coverage of Google’s DoubleClick acquisition has a timeline of America’s greatest ad agencies. Check out this one (emphasis added):

1873: Foote, Cone & Belding founded as one of America’s first advertising agencies. One of its founders, Fairfax Cone, states: “Good advertising is always written from one person to another. When it is aimed at millions it rarely moves anyone.”

So, 130 years after Fairfax Cone said that, the marketing profession is rediscovering the fundamental truth of those words.

Come hear David Weinberger's social media insights on April 24. It's free!

Last month, I wrote from the New Communications Forum in Las Vegas about a great keynote presentation by David Weinberger. Now here’s a treat: if you are in the New England area, you can hear David speak about the changes that social media are already causing in markets and institutions and all it’ll cost you is a drive to Waltham, MA.

As a co-author of Cluetrain Manifesto, David is one of the fathers of Web 2.0 and he is on the leading edge of thinking about it. His insights about why people blog, podcast and contribute to Wikipedia will amaze and delight you.

Join us on April 24 in Waltham from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to hear his thoughts. It’s a free service of the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council. All you have to do is write “guest of Paul Gillin” in the additional registrant’s field.

All the details are here.

Tech PR War Stories # 3 is about loose lips, death threats and the future of print

This week in Tech PR War Stories, David Strom and I talk about the Fred Vogelstein briefing memo and his Wired article. David says Google has become the new reputation management tool. IDG is transforming itself into an online company with the announcement that Infoworld will become a Web-only property. Paul asks whether print even matters in this market any more. And finally, we discuss the lessons learned from threats on Kathy Sierra’s life and how Tim O’Reilly brokered a rapproachment with Chris Locke.

Download the podcast here.